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Hidden Sculpture

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Hidden is an anamorphic sculpture bent from steel rod depicting a simplified representation of a bison. This piece uses an anamorphic style, meaning the subject of the work is only viewable from a single vantage point, to recall the point in time when bison used to roam the lands that are now Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA).

This project was a collaboration between the College of Visual Art and Design at University of North Texas, City of Lewisville, LLELA, and was originally funded through a grant program administered by the Onstead Institute at the University of North Texas as a temporary installation. Due to positive response to the work and durability of the materials used, The City of Lewisville purchased Hidden in 2023 to remain installed as part of the City's permanent public art collection.

Hidden can be found about 1/2 mile out from the starting point on the Blackjack Trail at LLELA.
  • Arts